Wednesday, April 05, 2006

In praise of idleness

I have lately really started enjoying my idleness. Till very recently, I often used to get tense, often because I was not earning any new money. Although the need for it is not really pressing, I have some savings from earlier life, which assure me my bread and daily needs. But now, I am past all that. After my leisurely breakfast, I regularly take off to the Center for Science Education and Communication, University of Delhi, just a couple of kilometers from my home, most often I take a bus, sometimes I just walk down thinking.

I spend my time thinking about various topics that arise in my mind. Often I post them on Hypography science forums under the psudonyme Hallenrm, or about a science fiction story, only one so far has been published in Science Reporter, you can read it on this site too. I go back home for lunch, and after a nap and tea am back to the university campus for a walk, some exercise and meditation. That's indeed the normal schedule of my life.

I have started feeling really relaxed and enjoying my present state. I don't really know how long will it last.


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